Community Driven

Community Driven

The newly changed tokenomics are allocated to the Community Growth Fund, and will only be used for the expansion of the community and subDAO or guilds. We're looking to leverage the community to onboard new games to Infinity Games. The project team's independent game onboarding method does not match the project's slogan, and requires community-led game onboarding. Community-led decisions can determine the success of projects and games to be onboarded in the future, and the transparent selection process through governance is stored in smart contracts and allows Infinity Games to operate more transparently.

Economic activities of guilds and SubDAO

For the expansion of guilds, the project team promises to provide generous support. We will not care about any profit activities within our platform, but we want activities with risk of accidents to proceed after going through Due Diligence by project team. Our community does not want to become a violent community based on how much tokens are held and the resulting governance. Although VCs have relatively many locked-up tokens, we do not want to lead the community in the direction they want, but individuals, SubDAOs, and guilds will act within the community and guide the project in the right direction.

The project team will be on the side of SubDAOers, Existing holders and Community contributors in a democratic form, not on the side of VCs.

The Future of Infinity Games with The Community Based

Last updated


Infinity Games is a multi-game platform on the BNB chain, implementing a fast blockchain with ZK-Rollup technology