You can use SWP tokens to improve NFT watch to increase stats. The new NFT Watch starts at level 0 and can be upgraded up to +30. Each time you complete the 500m movement, you get 10 EXP for your character's experiences. Accumulating the character's sufficient experiences and Level-Up can strengthen your NFT watch.
When you reach to proper Character Level, you have a chance to have NFT Watch enhancement randomly that adds or subtracts following all four Basic stat metrics, including SPD/CRY/QCK/LCK. You can change or maintain previous stats. Stats bonuses cannot exceed the rarity limit for that NFT watch.
SWP Tokens and Character Levels are required to enhance NFT Watches as shown in the table below:
Lv.5 Character
+- 2% All 4 Stats
Lv.10 Character
+- 3% All 4 Stats
Lv.15 Character
+- 4% All 4 Stats
Lv.20 Character
+- 5% All 4 Stats
Lv.25 Character
+- 6% All 4 Stats
Lv.30 Character
+- 10% All 4 Stats
Last updated